Month: 9 月 2006

Little Prince is Depressed

There is a site sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities, which is about depression. The site is build with flash only, it’s very beautiful and useful, the words on it looks like poems. I suggest everyone to visited the site whoever is in a puzzled of depression or not, to help yourself or your friends to get rid of depression, and read the beautiful words and pictures.

Visit it by :

btw: The pictures are looks like Jimmy’s, all of them are drew by color pencil, and the flashes are perfect.


一个原因是因为我开始写spaces来练英文写作了, 那个可是真的每天更新.

不过重要的应该是现在自己不想说话了, 现在我沮丧的时候就会不说话, 很多时候会莫明其妙的沮丧… 并且我现在说的都是不开心的事情, 开心的都是和ACM/ICPC有关的啦, 可惜KO不让说 :(

最后欢迎大家去我的spaces做英文改错啦, 给你们自信, 看看还有英文这么挫的人让你们bs:

5 years later, the day is sitll Sept. 11th

5 years ago, on the morning of September 12th, 2001, our English teacher told us that American have been attacked by 4 planes hijacked by terrorists, the local time is September 11th, 2001, 9:00am. The twin towers of the World Trade Center are break down after a hours, thousand of people died in this attack, we are shaked up then had a cheer not very friendly and morality because the victims are American.

Anyway, this attacks makes us to know the al-Qaeda(基地组织) and Bin Laden(本.拉登), and U.S. start to played themselves as the police of the world after it happened. Anyway, it makes September 11th to be a memorial day.

5 years later, there is still unsafe to us, especially for the citizens of U.S. The goverment of U.S. did a lot of work and start many battles to beat terrorists, but it looks like it’s useless. I hope that there is less attack and be more peacefully on the earth, and we can enjoy our live comfortablely.


开学一个星期了, 感觉干了很多事情也什么也没干…
上课和以前一样, 只是会开始在老师之前通读一下课本, 照样不听, 也觉得没什么好听的.
写东西么, 在学Java, 慢慢来, 其实应该跟6k一样从后面一点开始的, 前面的太无聊…
这一段时间在专心更新space(, 用英文, 虽然很挫, 但是也在慢慢变好吧, 希望有更多的人分享我觉得比较好的一些东西以及帮我做英文改错 :P
比赛, 继续中, 这个星期的3场练习赛做的都不尽人意, 虽然最后的结果看起来还可以. 队伍里面对策略有很大的怀疑, 做题风格上要变, 我要开始去抢杂题和DP啦, 不能让别人做了, 自己不习惯的题队友能做更好就应该及时让掉.
wish us~

p.s.强烈bs腾讯将我们队名屏蔽了一半, We are the Moonmist~

First Week

Or you can say the second week of this semester is start, anyway, days are being yesterday, we are more older.

Courses are the same, but make me more exciting, I love the poems write by the computer language.

We did a good job on the last warm up contest although we insist we could do more better, the warm up contests on last week are useful, Moonmist have many mistakes in them, so we decide to change on some field, and we all believe that Moonmist will have a good reward. We are the Moonmist~, I hope that you can hear this voice from Hawaii.

My One and Only OneNote

A song write to OneNote, which is a part of the 2007 Office System of Microsoft. I think it’s very funny for the developers, and it’s a original way to make others to know it.

The homepage and the lyrics:

Music and Lyrics by Mike Tholfsen © 2006
Link to Song (MP3):

Let me tell you ’bout my favorite application
A software notebook for the modern age
One place for all of your notes
Put any type of content on the digital page

A flexible tool that works the way you do
Organize your stuff how you want to
Brainstorms or meeting notes or doing web research
Capture, find, share and re-use

No other software can make me feel this way

My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
It’s the one for me

Use a shared notebook for group collaboration
Or start a live sharing session with your friends
Like a rich wiki with merge and replication
Everyone’s in sync when the meeting ends

Tables, tags, clippings, instant search and Lasso
Drawing tools, embedded files and hyperlinks
XML APIs and caching all your data
Outlook integration and digital ink

No other software can make me feel this way

My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
It’s the one for me

It’s part of the 2007 Office System
Download OneNote for a 60 day trial
Give it a chance and I promise you
It will change the way you work and leave you with a smile

No other software can make me feel this way

My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
It’s the one for me

Thinking in Java ?

Thinking in Java is a book’s name, a good book. This afternoon, I did a hard work to find a method which can check that a char is a letter or not, but got no answer. I complained that Java is too hard to learn if I don’t know any class library and its method, everything I need to deal by myself, then MagicPig advise us to read the book Thinking in Java, said that it will be the best book to learn Java.

I spent nearly the hole day to type some simple code of the text book, and get many errors some seems strange, there may be a good experiences and wealth, because it can make me not to do the stupid thing again and again. But there is still a little problem need to fixed, which I can’t use Ant in Eclipse to compile a .jar file and to run the .jar file by double-click, there is always a error hint break out when I try to run the .jar file by double-click, I doubt there is something wrong in the build.xml file, but I don’t know how to correct it also I used Baidu and Google for a solution.

Coding in Java

For the course, and for learning a useful skill, start coding in Java. Java is the third programming language I learned strictly, before it are Pascal and C. There is more easy that when you have used a programming language skilled to study another, because the ideas are the same, only the method to get the result are different. The last words may be wrong, because Java is an OO(Object Oriented) language, which is different to the Process-Oriented language likes Pascal/C, and I said I learned C only as I didn’t know the ideas of OO in C++.

In Java, everything is long, the name of class, function, variable, too long to type… I love C, I love VIM, which can do anything use keyboard only. Our Java text book used the Hungarian notation ordinary, so it’s a good way to make my coding habit standardization.

Qualification Round of Google Code Jam 2006

The funny game, Google Code Jam 2006(GCJ) is start 0:00 today, because of classes, I decided to start my qualification round this evening.

Grope(pj) said that GCJ will be easy but only 200 points can enter next round, when I meet him this noon. But I did a bad job, I got a Wrong Answer to the 750-points problem, because the algorithm I used was wrong, so, there is only 164 points I got from the 250-points problem.

I’ve see the summary and found that it’s hard to enter the next round. sigh~