There is a bit tired for all members in the lab, all of us have a sleep this noon, but for most of us it’s useless, and someone was watching TV or play games. Anyhow, I don’t want to solve any problem anymore, and I hope to have a few days to relax myself.
Year: 2006
Something was wrong…
We did a bad job on the recently warm up contests, and on the OnlineJudge, a CTU2002Open problem is puzzling me, I tried many ways to solve it, but all of them got a wrong answer… :(
This afternoon, when we falling a bad status on the contest, I used a paper to cut my finger bleeding… what a fool…
The Cranberries – Never Grow Old
很好听的一首歌, 一开始是在一个用WOW第一人称视角拍摄的一个小电影里面听到, 后来一直在疯狂的找, 可惜都被误导了. 后来在电台里听过, 在路过宿舍楼下的时候听过, 就是不知道名字, 凭自己的猜测歌词也不对. 昨天随手乱放自己电脑里面的歌原来本来就有, 看了看来源, 是CCTV5天下足球里面给巴乔离开时候专题片的音乐, 中文译成了<愿你青春永驻>, 有很多地方中文的歌词还是挺不错的.
下载是在上找到的, 有asf和mp3的, 其中asf好像都是天下足球里面的mv, 赞
A Highlight Plugins for Microsoft Writer
A plugins for Microsoft writer, it can makes your code with colors, a useful plugins for loggers who always pasted codes on their blog.
Visite this site for information and download: Highlight4Writer
This is a sample used Highlight4Writer :)
#include <stdio.h> #define MAX 1000 const int sub[10]; int main() { int a,b; while(scanf("%d%d",&a,&b)!=EOF) printf("%dn",a+b); return(0); }
编号.题目 来源 简单说明 D3A.Bishops not found 简单公式题 D3B.Football Coach not found 最大流 D3C.CLRS not found DFS或者强联通分量 D3D.Sequence Again POJ2478 筛素数法求欧拉函数 D3E.Intervals not found 线段树 D3F.Matrix not found 矩阵构造+矩阵乘法 D4A.area not found DP+凸包 D4B.Prime not found 求素数距离,筛法求素数到3*10^7 D4C.Traveling Queen Problem POJ2919 BFS+集合DP,BT题,我看标程都头大 D4D.Squares not found BFS+Hash打表或双向BFS D4E.Candies not found 贪心带硬搞 D4F.Card Game POJ2062 最大匹配或者贪心 p.s.来源标注为not found均为目前还未找到来源的题,其中部分为KO原创,部分为 只改描叙的陈题
Try a small tool from M$
As the title, I used a small tool download from Microsoft called Windows Live Writer, a beautiful tool, I’m trying it now.
You can download it from this url: 点击下载
发信人: snoopy (Snoopy@T13), 信区: ACM_ICPC 标 题: 个人赛前两天题目来源 发信站: 珞珈山水BBS站 (Sat Aug 12 10:05:22 2006), 转信 非官方版本,今天早上找了一个小时找全了的 第二天的G据KO说是原创,但是和Tongji的1004防御导弹是一样的 编号.题目 来源 简单说明 D1A.dna POJ1080 DP D1B.Game POJ1143 集合DP+博弈? D1C.spell POJ1035 直接硬搞 D1D.Frames POJ1128 模拟? D1E.Cable POJ1064 转换成整数二分 D1F.2046 POJ1733 并查集+Hash D1G.Transmitters POJ1106 简单计算几何,算叉乘 D2A.Excel-lent POJ2273 模拟,类进制转换 D2B.Dice POJ1481 简单双重DFS D2C.Rocket Height POJ2276 初等几何,推公式 D2D.Slides POJ1486 类匹配思想,硬搞 D2E.Lotto POJ2193 DP,要用longlong D2F.Optimal POJ1480 BFS硬搞 D2G.Sequence Tongji1004 贪心 除了第二天的G,全部都是没做过的...ft
// ** Start of PerfectMatch ******************************* // Name: PerfectMatch by Kuhn_Munkras O(n^3) // Description: w is the adjacency matrix, nx,ny are the size of x and y, // lx, ly are the lables of x and y, fx[i], fy[i] is used for marking // whether the i-th node is visited, matx[x] means x match matx[x], // maty[y] means y match maty[y], actually, matx[x] is useless, // all the arrays are start at 1 int nx,ny,w[MAXN][MAXN],lx[MAXN],ly[MAXN]; int fx[MAXN],fy[MAXN],matx[MAXN],maty[MAXN]; int path(int u) { int v; fx[u]=1; for(v=1;v<=ny;v++) if((lx[u]+ly[v]==w[u][v])&&(fy[v]<0)) { fy[v]=1; if((maty[v]<0)||(path(maty[v]))) { matx[u]=v; maty[v]=u; return(1); } // end of if((maty[v]... } // end of if((lx[u]... return(0); } // end of int path() int PerfectMatch() { int ret=0,i,j,k,p; memset(ly,0,sizeof(ly)); for(i=1;i<=nx;i++) { lx[i]=-INF; for(j=1;j<=ny;j++) if(w[i][j]>lx[i]) lx[i]=w[i][j]; } // end of for(i... memset(matx,-1,sizeof(matx)); memset(maty,-1,sizeof(maty)); for(i=1;i<=nx;i++) { memset(fx,-1,sizeof(fx)); memset(fy,-1,sizeof(fy)); if(!path(i)) { i--; p=INF; for(k=1;k<=nx;k++) if(fx[k]>0) for(j=1;j<=ny;j++) if((fy[j]<0)&&(lx[k]+ly[j]-w[k][j]<p)) p=lx[k]+ly[j]-w[k][j]; for(j=1;j<=ny;j++) ly[j]+=(fy[j]<0?0:p); for(k=1;k<=nx;k++) lx[k]-=(fx[k]<0?0:p); } // end of if(!path(i)) } // end of for(i... for(i=1;i<=ny;i++) ret+=w[maty[i]][i]; return ret; } // end of int PerfectMatch() // ** End of PerfectMatch *********************************
// ** Start of MaximumMatch ******************************* // Name: MaximumMatch by Hungray O(n^3) // Description: mat is the adjacency matrix, nx,ny are the size of x and y, // fy is used for marking whether the k-th node is visited, matx[x] means x // match matx[x], maty[y] means y match maty[y], actually, matx[x] is useless, // all the arrays start at 1 int nx,ny,mat[MAXN][MAXN],fy[MAXN],matx[MAXN],maty[MAXN]; int path(int u) { int v; for(v=1;v<=ny;v++) if((mat[u][v])&&(fy[v]<0)) { fy[v]=1; if((maty[v]<0)||(path(maty[v]))) { matx[u]=v; maty[v]=u; return(1); } // end of if((maty[v]... } // end of if((mat[u][v]... return(0); } // end of int path() int MaximumMatch() { int i,ret=0; memset(matx,-1,sizeof(matx)); memset(maty,-1,sizeof(maty)); for(i=1;i<=nx;i++) if(matx[i]<0) { memset(fy,-1,sizeof(fy)); ret+=path(i); } // end of if(matx[i]... return(ret); } // end of int MaximumMatch() // ** End of MaximumMatch *********************************