Suddenly I found there is nothing worth to be recorded, or I’m getting lazing. Homework of Java and other courses are needed to be finished, many things have to do, the project of SE must be start up this week… Actually there is too many things to do but I don’t like to.
Year: 2006
最近突然很多人要用Eclipse, 不仅仅是写Java, 也要使用C/C++, 很多问题, 一起写出来吧 :)
实验室的配置是WindowsXP SP2 + Eclipse3.2 with CDT Embedded for Win32 + MinGW + JDK 1.5.02, 本次讨论最重要的Eclipse3.2withCDT却没找到合适的下载, 官方给的没有集成版的, 只有自己去找一下,我有上传过到 药学院 的FTP, 可惜好像被删了. MinGW和JDK都可以在官方主页上找下载, 或者你可以点 MinGW 来从台湾的镜像下载MinGW, 访问 Java 2 SDK 来从yaguo下载JDK.
首先安装JDK, 假设你安装到了默认目录, 然后将bin目录加入到环境变量中. 然后安装MinGW, 将bin目录加入到环境变量中, 并且把bin目录下的mingw32-make.exe改名为make.exe. 最后解压Eclipse到任何你喜欢的地方, Eclipse是一个基于Java编写的绿色软件, 不用担心安装问题, 打开后配置好WorkSpace的位置, 就可以任意使用了. 关于Eclipse的具体使用方法, 这就是另一个话题了…
附: 关于环境变量, 在桌面上打开[我的电脑], 选[属性], 选[高级]标签页, 点开下面的[环境变量], 双击下面系统变量中的Path, 要加入的就是在原始的后面加;和要添加的目录了, 比如我的在装了JDK和MinGW以及gVIM后的环境变量为
%SystemRoot%system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%System32Wbem;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.5.0_02bin;C:MinGWbin;C:Program FilesVimvim70
A Bad Contest
Tsinghua gave us a bad contest with bad organized and a bad network, no one feel there is worth to do such a contest.
But don’t worry, we are the moonmist, we are the best!
It’s Show Time!
What do you want to see? Yes, a super Moonmist!
It’s Show Time!
Mid-Autumn day
The day for family to get-together and for a celebration in Chinese custom, I spent 2 hour to write a code for the practice contest of ACM/ICPC Asia Regional 2006, Beijing, Internet Preliminary Contest in the eve, but I feel happy because these things I did are what I’d like to do.
Oct. 6th is also the birthday of my father, so I wanna say "Happy Birthday, My Lovely Daddy!" now, but it’s too late, so I’ll give a call tomorrow(or the next daytime?) and send my blessing to my dad, who is the most important person and the best teacher in my life.
Happy Mid-Autumn day! Wish everyone can have a nice moon at this night.
Houxian – The Ninth Princess
The ninth princess, the singer Houxuan’s second album, is worth to have a try, I like the voice softly, which can make me quite and comfortable. The singer Houxuan, who is not very famous and always be considered as Jay Chou(Zhou Jielun), is said as the first R&B singer in mainland, his first album Curio(GuWan) makes many people to know him, it’s great too.
I suggest you to try it, buy a CD or download a demo from the Internet, you’ll amazing it.
Minimal Sets of .vimrc
A 14 lines only .vimrc files for the vim under linux, I can use it everywhere as I used to be.
set nocompatible " get out of horrible vi-compatible mode syntax on " syntax highlight on set ruler " Always show current positions along the bottom set number " trun on line number set showmatch " show matching brackets set ai " autoindent set si " smartindent set cindent " do c-style indenting set tabstop=4 " tab spacing set softtabstop=4 " tab spacing set shiftwidth=4 " tab spacing set expandtab " not real tabs please! set smarttab " use tabs at the start of a line, spaces elsewhere set so=5 " Keep 5 lines (top/bottom) for scope
自己用的vimrc配置文件, 这篇文章随时可能会更新以符合最新的使用习惯 :P
vimrc使用”来注释到行末, 类似C++里面的//, 我能理解的选项我都会添加部分中文注释的
autocmd GUIEnter * :simalt ~x " 启动时全屏 set nocompatible " 不使用vi兼容模式 set helplang=Cn " 帮助语言为中文 set background=dark " 黑色背景(我喜欢的) syntax on " 语法高亮显示 colorscheme torte " torte颜色主题(我喜欢的) set ruler " 显示按钮位置(一个我不是很明白的配置,但是一般都加上) set number " 显示行号 set backspace=2 " 退格键工作模式, 2为一般 set showmatch " 显示匹配的括号 set so=5 " 翻页时屏幕上下各留5行缓冲区 set ai " 自动缩进 set si " 智能缩进 set cindent " 使用C的语法模式缩进 set tabstop=4 " tab键宽度 set softtabstop=4 " 同上 set shiftwidth=4 " 同上 set expandtab " 使用tab, 一个tab键产生一个真实的/t set nowrap " 不要跨行 set smarttab " 智能tab
我的_vimrc文件,有修改,基于Windows下的gVIM7.0(前一小部分)和上面提到的那个. 添加了几个快捷键, F2保存, F3保存退出, F10编译, F11运行. 同时注意要使用此文件请在VIM的安装目录下的vimfiles目录下建立backup和temp两个临时文件夹. 有很多冗余的, 因为不知道具体规则, 还没敢删. 本blog系统只能上传.rar文件, 大家自己解压到原来的目录吧.
Lonely, I’m lonely lonely lonely~