Author: snoopy

Houxian – The Ninth Princess

The ninth princess, the singer Houxuan’s second album, is worth to have a try, I like the voice softly, which can make me quite and comfortable. The singer Houxuan, who is not very famous and always be considered as Jay Chou(Zhou Jielun), is said as the first R&B singer in mainland, his first album Curio(GuWan) makes many people to know him, it’s great too.

I suggest you to try it, buy a CD or download a demo from the Internet, you’ll amazing it.

Minimal Sets of .vimrc

A 14 lines only .vimrc files for the vim under linux, I can use it everywhere as I used to be.

set nocompatible " get out of horrible vi-compatible mode
syntax on " syntax highlight on
set ruler " Always show current positions along the bottom
set number " trun on line number
set showmatch " show matching brackets
set ai " autoindent
set si " smartindent
set cindent " do c-style indenting
set tabstop=4 " tab spacing
set softtabstop=4 " tab spacing
set shiftwidth=4 " tab spacing
set expandtab " not real tabs please!
set smarttab " use tabs at the start of a line, spaces elsewhere
set so=5 " Keep 5 lines (top/bottom) for scope


自己用的vimrc配置文件, 这篇文章随时可能会更新以符合最新的使用习惯 :P
vimrc使用”来注释到行末, 类似C++里面的//, 我能理解的选项我都会添加部分中文注释的


autocmd GUIEnter * :simalt ~x " 启动时全屏
set nocompatible " 不使用vi兼容模式
set helplang=Cn " 帮助语言为中文
set background=dark " 黑色背景(我喜欢的)
syntax on " 语法高亮显示
colorscheme torte " torte颜色主题(我喜欢的)
set ruler " 显示按钮位置(一个我不是很明白的配置,但是一般都加上)
set number " 显示行号
set backspace=2 " 退格键工作模式, 2为一般
set showmatch " 显示匹配的括号
set so=5 " 翻页时屏幕上下各留5行缓冲区
set ai " 自动缩进
set si " 智能缩进 
set cindent " 使用C的语法模式缩进
set tabstop=4 " tab键宽度
set softtabstop=4 " 同上
set shiftwidth=4 " 同上 
set expandtab " 使用tab, 一个tab键产生一个真实的/t
set nowrap " 不要跨行
set smarttab " 智能tab


我的_vimrc文件,有修改,基于Windows下的gVIM7.0(前一小部分)和上面提到的那个. 添加了几个快捷键, F2保存, F3保存退出, F10编译, F11运行. 同时注意要使用此文件请在VIM的安装目录下的vimfiles目录下建立backup和temp两个临时文件夹. 有很多冗余的, 因为不知道具体规则, 还没敢删. 本blog系统只能上传.rar文件, 大家自己解压到原来的目录吧.


Some Funny Words by Google

The under words are come from, which is translated from the last entry on my space. It’s amazing that Google is more intelligent now.

这是发疯. . . 大家发表意见的文章看到新闻,我们每天9日国家假日,现场出现院长办公室2日. 我怎么在9天. 很干净,但我没有选择留在实验室今年比赛训练. "我没有时间放松过,10月5日的50年纪念日的cqums(重庆大学医学科学,因而留在学校10月3日至10月6日,感叹没有时间再聚会. (所有男生在室内有精彩的计划. 集团的女友将于晚上武汉下,他们有很好的痕迹,避免假日为所欲为. 海阳定于10月1日在武汉女友,他们将前往女友学习,咸宁十月三日 我们放弃享受私人生活. Mengmeng是有计画前往长沙、武汉并不遥远,当然和女友. 我认为,所有的假期,还可以有很好的女友离开我,我在最贫穷的人住宿.

9 Days for the National Day Holiday

It must be crazy!!! Everyone air their opinions by the exclamation when we see the news that we have 9 days for our National Day holiday, which appeared on the site of Dean Office 2 days ago.

What can I do during the 9 days? The answer is very cleanly that I have no choice except staying in the Lab to training for contests in this year. My kitty has no time to relax too, Oct. 5th is the 50 years Memorial Day of their CQUMS(ChongQing University of Medical Science), so they have to stay in the campus from Oct. 3rd to Oct. 6th, sigh, there is no time for us to get-together. :(

All the guys in our room have an exciting plan. Gang’s girlfriend will come to Wuhan the next evening, then they will have a nice holiday to avoid our dalliances, and do whatever they want to. Haiyang will meet his girlfriend on Oct. 1st at Wuhan, then they will travel to Xianning where his girlfriend is learning now on Oct. 3rd, abandon us to enjoy their privately life. Mengmeng is planing to have a tour to Changsha, which is not far away from Wuhan, certainly with his girlfriend.

I’ve found that all the guys can have a nice holiday with their girlfriends, left me alone, I’m the most poor man in our room.