Author: snoopy

My One and Only OneNote

A song write to OneNote, which is a part of the 2007 Office System of Microsoft. I think it’s very funny for the developers, and it’s a original way to make others to know it.

The homepage and the lyrics:

Music and Lyrics by Mike Tholfsen © 2006
Link to Song (MP3):

Let me tell you ’bout my favorite application
A software notebook for the modern age
One place for all of your notes
Put any type of content on the digital page

A flexible tool that works the way you do
Organize your stuff how you want to
Brainstorms or meeting notes or doing web research
Capture, find, share and re-use

No other software can make me feel this way

My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
It’s the one for me

Use a shared notebook for group collaboration
Or start a live sharing session with your friends
Like a rich wiki with merge and replication
Everyone’s in sync when the meeting ends

Tables, tags, clippings, instant search and Lasso
Drawing tools, embedded files and hyperlinks
XML APIs and caching all your data
Outlook integration and digital ink

No other software can make me feel this way

My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
It’s the one for me

It’s part of the 2007 Office System
Download OneNote for a 60 day trial
Give it a chance and I promise you
It will change the way you work and leave you with a smile

No other software can make me feel this way

My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
It’s the one for me

Thinking in Java ?

Thinking in Java is a book’s name, a good book. This afternoon, I did a hard work to find a method which can check that a char is a letter or not, but got no answer. I complained that Java is too hard to learn if I don’t know any class library and its method, everything I need to deal by myself, then MagicPig advise us to read the book Thinking in Java, said that it will be the best book to learn Java.

I spent nearly the hole day to type some simple code of the text book, and get many errors some seems strange, there may be a good experiences and wealth, because it can make me not to do the stupid thing again and again. But there is still a little problem need to fixed, which I can’t use Ant in Eclipse to compile a .jar file and to run the .jar file by double-click, there is always a error hint break out when I try to run the .jar file by double-click, I doubt there is something wrong in the build.xml file, but I don’t know how to correct it also I used Baidu and Google for a solution.

Coding in Java

For the course, and for learning a useful skill, start coding in Java. Java is the third programming language I learned strictly, before it are Pascal and C. There is more easy that when you have used a programming language skilled to study another, because the ideas are the same, only the method to get the result are different. The last words may be wrong, because Java is an OO(Object Oriented) language, which is different to the Process-Oriented language likes Pascal/C, and I said I learned C only as I didn’t know the ideas of OO in C++.

In Java, everything is long, the name of class, function, variable, too long to type… I love C, I love VIM, which can do anything use keyboard only. Our Java text book used the Hungarian notation ordinary, so it’s a good way to make my coding habit standardization.

Qualification Round of Google Code Jam 2006

The funny game, Google Code Jam 2006(GCJ) is start 0:00 today, because of classes, I decided to start my qualification round this evening.

Grope(pj) said that GCJ will be easy but only 200 points can enter next round, when I meet him this noon. But I did a bad job, I got a Wrong Answer to the 750-points problem, because the algorithm I used was wrong, so, there is only 164 points I got from the 250-points problem.

I’ve see the summary and found that it’s hard to enter the next round. sigh~

The Second Day

With not too many unusual, everyday is as same as the last years. I want myself to be more self-disciplined, do not play games or have daydreams, after all, there is the last year to stay in campus for me. Courses is still vapid, we still have sleep on classes, but, please not waste time.

Just remembered some words, first, Time Works Wonder, then, No Pain, No Gain, so, do what you considered, do what you believe it’s right.

谈论 MSN SPACE 小技巧




在 MSN Spaces 中添加播放器等模块

Windows Media Player PowerToy

这个工具是最常见的,为你的 MSN Spaces 添加一个在线播放器,可以播放电影或者音乐。无需多说咯。


  1. 进入 MSN Spaces 的编辑页面。
  2. 在编辑页面的地址(这时在地址栏中显示的地址)后面附加上“&powertoy=musicvideo”后回车。
  3. 新的页面载入后,点击“自定义”,在模块的下拉菜单中就有一个新的“PowerToy:Windows Media Player”,点击一下增加,然后保存。
  4. 这样就会有一个新的模块 Window Media Player,目前该模块只有英文界面。
  5. 添加媒体文件的地址 URL,注意:
    · 只支持微软流媒体 WMA, WMV, WAV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, MP3 格式,除外的格式将无法保存;
    · 如格式无误还是无法保存,请在记事本里检查地址末尾是否多出空格;
    · 微软会验证地址的文件格式合法性,或是否存在格式欺骗嫌疑,但不理会文件是否真的存在;
    · 如果点保存之后,URL  始终为空,说明地址不合法;
    · 顺利保存 URL 后,需要在预览状态下才可以看到播放器效果。
    · 如需要支持播放列表,请看这里(不推荐)
  6. 如果想页面载入时自动播放的话,只需勾上 Auto Start;播放次数可以设置 Times to play。其他参数如播放器的外观等默认无妨。
  7. 切换回预览状态,就可以看到你的 MSN Spaces 的在线播放器了。

Tweak UI PowerToy

这个功能模块可以调整 MSN Spaces 各个模块的外观。MSN Spaces 就是由不同的模块组成了,调整模块的外观也就调整了整个 Blog 的外观,调整选项包括背景图片,文字,颜色,边框,透明度等等。


  1. 进入 MSN Spaces 的编辑页面。
  2. 在编辑页面的地址(这时在地址栏中显示的地址)后面加上“&powertoy=tweakomatic” 回车。
  3. 新的页面载入后,点击“自定义”,在模块的下拉菜单中就有一个新的“PowerToy:Tweak UI”,点击一下增加,然后保存。
  4. 这样就会有一个新的面板,里面有许多的选项,根据你的想法调整 MSN Spaces 的外观吧。

Custom HTML PowerToy

这个工具可以为 Spaces 添加一个模块让你插入任意的一段 HTML 代码。这样通过这个模块,你就可以借助 HTML 语言显示许多原本不能显示的内容,大大增强了 MSN Spaces 的灵活性。另外对于这个模块的显示,你还可以自定义模块的名称,是否显示边框等。遗憾的是,因为安全问题,微软过滤了诸多灵活的 HTML 标签。


  1. 进入 MSN Spaces 的编辑页面。
  2. 在编辑页面的地址(这时在地址栏中显示的地址)后面加上“&powertoy=sandbox” 回车。
  3. 新的页面载入后,点击“自定义”,在模块的下拉菜单中就有一个新的“PowerToy:Custom HTML”,点击一下增加,然后保存。
  4. 这样就会有一个新的模块设置。你可以输入 HTML 代码,另外还有关于名称和是否显示边框的设置。


关于如何修改 MSN Spaces 界面默认语言(来自小明同学):

先打开 ,登陆后点右上的“语言选项”,选择好你要求的默认语言然后在“要永久使用您的这个语言首选项吗?”的选项下选“是”,再点“更改语言”就可以了。

关于如何修改 MSN Spaces 界面浏览语言:

  1. 打开别人的 Spaces,如:,注意后面不要带任何参数。
  2. 然后在地址后面加上 ?mkt=zh-cn,回车后则界面变成简体中文。
  3. 然后在地址后面加上 ?mkt=zh-hk,回车后则界面变成繁体中文(香港)。
  4. 然后在地址后面加上 ?mkt=zh-tw,回车后则界面变成繁体中文(台湾)。
  5. 然后在地址后面加上 ?mkt=en-us,回车后则界面变成英文(美国)。
  6. 注意,此修改只对当次浏览有效;关闭窗口再来过,又会恢复到原来的默认状态:)

First Day

Want to use a simple way to record this semester, this autumn, and the days I need to remember.

There is still a strong feeling want to sleep on class, and it’s too hot today, so, with many classmates, we had a sleep not very comfortable.

A simple intro of the classes took on today. Java, which makes me a little puzzle, can be perfect deal in my opinion, because it’s a language only, and not too many different to others, only need to be more practices and use. Embedded System, which likes EDA, will be need more experimentations to understand it, but still a piece of cake :P