
We Are Out of Order Recently

We Moonmist did a series bad work in the warm up contests, it seems that we are out of order recently. We can’t be the best one, and not the best one in our history, the result is not as good as we want to get. We have to find the reason, so we had a meeting to solve the problem, but nothing very available.

We need more hard work to be a strong team, fighting for the future~


其实我觉得怎么看我应该都是我们队英语最挫的一个…不知道为什么但是就是我看题快一点…结果现在实际上好像我是我们队的看题的人, 虽然一般第一次看的不够细, 不过一般都不会太影响结果了…

继续努力, 看英文, 写英文, 有机会多练习听和说吧, 听说读写都不能拉下啊…


Moonmist, 在这个秋天, 注定是我这段生命里最重要的部分.

今年, 我们有很多惊喜, 有太多的意外收获, 同时, 也有大家的辛勤努力和前辈们的积累. 今年, 我们依然会说我们要银牌, 不过, 这只能是Moonmist的底线.

从现在的成绩来看, 出线甚至都是可以想象的事情, 而不像去年, 如果出线了那才撞鬼. 我现在都可以YY明年初夏的夏威夷了.

比较切实一点的目标是, 我们要在银牌的领先军团中拿到金牌, 这是一个可以实现, 并且也不是太难实现的一个目标. 我有看过我们做的练习赛别人的成绩, 有过比较有过分析才得出此结论, 并且现在队内认可这一点并且我们也都在为这个努力. 今年的武大没有虚华, 我们要将朴实无华演绎成绚烂夺目.

遵守KO的规则, 不透露其他的, 遵循我们队的原则, 好好努力. Moonmist.snoopy, 你需要加油, 不要让Moonmist因你而失色.

96’s Final

This afternoon we did a practice contest, problems and data are come from the ACM/ICPC 96’s Final Contest. There is so many things looks strange, the English to draw the problems is hard to understand, we did a hard work to read and understand, it makes two problems which are very easy to pass be passed later than our estimate.

I got some reply strange either, a problem I used double to check the feasibility and got a Wrong Answer, but used float to got a Yes. Then another easy problem reverted a  Runtime Error for more than twenty times, because there is a mistake about the means of that problem others told me, I checked both n and t for the end of input, actually the t might be 0(zero), so I got more than 700 minutes penalty, sigh~.

Finally, although there is a good result as we hoped, but we still be the winner, 96’s Final is too old to the modern contests, the style of problems had been changed hugely, as I can get a better score on those contests.


开学一个星期了, 感觉干了很多事情也什么也没干…
上课和以前一样, 只是会开始在老师之前通读一下课本, 照样不听, 也觉得没什么好听的.
写东西么, 在学Java, 慢慢来, 其实应该跟6k一样从后面一点开始的, 前面的太无聊…
这一段时间在专心更新space(http://whusnoopy.spaces.live.com/?mkt=en-us), 用英文, 虽然很挫, 但是也在慢慢变好吧, 希望有更多的人分享我觉得比较好的一些东西以及帮我做英文改错 :P
比赛, 继续中, 这个星期的3场练习赛做的都不尽人意, 虽然最后的结果看起来还可以. 队伍里面对策略有很大的怀疑, 做题风格上要变, 我要开始去抢杂题和DP啦, 不能让别人做了, 自己不习惯的题队友能做更好就应该及时让掉.
wish us~

p.s.强烈bs腾讯将我们队名屏蔽了一半, We are the Moonmist~