只是偶尔想起来的一句双语双关, 特别是对前后鼻音不分且英语烂到爆的笨狗
这个博客站的名字叫随手留下, 也是随手记录点自己的所见所闻, 那正是 “讲我所见”, 前后鼻音不分的话, 讲 和 见 就是一样的了
而用最土的英语来表达刚那句中文, 不考虑语法时态等情况下的 Chilish 就会是 “say what I see”, 反正发音不准, say 和 see 又是一样了
如果有人采纳这个 idea, 拿这个名字写专栏, 可以考虑下给我版权费 :P
蛋疼的英文写作 (给别人的改错) 练习
只是偶尔想起来的一句双语双关, 特别是对前后鼻音不分且英语烂到爆的笨狗
这个博客站的名字叫随手留下, 也是随手记录点自己的所见所闻, 那正是 “讲我所见”, 前后鼻音不分的话, 讲 和 见 就是一样的了
而用最土的英语来表达刚那句中文, 不考虑语法时态等情况下的 Chilish 就会是 “say what I see”, 反正发音不准, say 和 see 又是一样了
如果有人采纳这个 idea, 拿这个名字写专栏, 可以考虑下给我版权费 :P
今天去阿里听了一下午会, 开场介绍时说我们因为提前收集了大家感兴趣的问题, 整个过程我们会在讲的过程中就把大家的问题解决掉, 那么单个 topic 后面就不做问答了, 最后会有 FAQ 环节供大家提问
当时心里就开启吐槽模式, 啊咧问答环节叫 Q&A 不叫 FAQ 好吧, 一个是 Question and Answer, 另一个是 Frequently Asked Questions, 是常见问题解答啊, 一般是放帮助系统的最上面的. 你们这帮土人不会英语就不要乱拽好不好, 虽然来的大家多半也是土包子, 那也好好说土话嘛
后面继续见多人神奇混用 Q&A 和 FAQ 我就不说啥了, 直到看到某人的幻灯片最后一页赫然出现了 F&Q 三个大字, 我整个人都凌乱了, 尼玛这又是什么神奇的叫法. 刚去 Google 搜了下说这是 Frequently Asked Questions 的首字母缩写, 但是没找到任何一个靠谱英文出处, 排第一的是百度百科, 排第二的是腾讯电商招聘, 那个 url 最后明明是 faq.html 好么. 你们这些人啊… 真应该好好提升自己的姿势水平
会开到一半的时候受不了无关的磨叽, 问阿里的朋友要了个访客无线密码, 看着登陆界面强迫症患者又受不了那个登陆按钮写的居然是 logon 而不是 login, 心说果然 ** 是会传染的. 刚搜了下 “logon or login”, 排前两位的答案分别是
UI Terminology: Logon vs Login StackOverflow
Log in vs. log on Grammarist
基本意思都是, logon 表浏览, 更偏名词, login 表带用户名密码的登陆动作, 更偏动词. 该用哪个我想不用再说啥了
好吧, 反正我觉得按钮文字和 Q&A 还 FAQ 这种事情也就我这样关(xian)注(de)细(dan)节(teng)的人会在乎, 都没人看的东西管他干嘛呢
Google published the top search queries in 2007, in English, "what is love" is the most hot question in "what is ?" section. Here is the link: http://www.google.cn/rebang/yuedu/2007.htm. Unfortunately, I found that I really don’t know what is love now, who can tell me, what is love? I thought that I know what is love, and what is happiness, and I really do the right thing to get love, love others, and pursuit of happiness, but seems like I lost in the race, I can’t define what is love and what is happiness now. Happiness is not own much money, I have enough money now, but I felt that I lost more things. Happiness is not in a great place, work with great people, I’m working at a best company now, I still felt I’m useless, I made no valuable things ever. Happiness is? I don’t know, I can only give some answer that happiness is not.
Here is an other article that teach you how to love your life: http://howtoloveyourlife.com/dothe/rightthing/main_text.html, I think that many words are useful, although many sentence I’ve used to instruct others, maybe, I’m the real one who most need these.
今天无聊, 用 Google 搜了一下 Impossible is Nothing 这句话, 似乎更多的人赞同 Nothing is impossible, 因为这才是正确的语法, LiNing 的广告词, 果然我还是没记错. 并且在用简体中文的人看来, Nothing is impossible 传达了一种更好的态度, 而 Impossible is nothing 更多的是一种小流氓一般很无所谓的态度, 所谓的精神胜利法. Adidas 的人脑子进水了, 好吧, 我是被 LiNing 洗脑过的, 没有什么是不可能的, Nothing is Impossible.
迷惑了, 既然 Google 的搜索结果都是倾向 Nothing is Impossible, 姑且相信这个更懂英文的.
It seems like I’d like to use "nothing is impossible" to show that I do not believe there is something can make me to say "It’s impossible", but, there is an article to compare "Impossible is nothing" and "Nothing is impossible", as the words, maybe I want to explain "Impossible is nothing". Then, what do you think?
Impossible is nothing believes that the thing that seems impossible "is not a fact but an opinion". "Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it". If we say Nothing is impossible is a ‘declaration’, then impossible is nothing is a ‘dare’. The latter conveys the courage and confidence: even for thins that may be 100% bound to failure, I am not at all afraid and I regard the possibility to fail as a thing of no account, utterly insignificant, because "Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."
Try to use English again. I’m afraid that I will be an English fool if I don’t use it for a long time.
This morning Littleken and I went to the cinema to watch TransFormer, an excellent movie, 80s’ memory. Unfortunately I remembered that I never see the cartoons of TransFormer, so, not as others so exciting. DreamWorks gave us a dreamlike movie, shows the power of Computer Graphics, and Littleken and me agreed on that it excessively showed the power of CG, but lose the soul. TransFormers are too complex to draw them, and then the ending is we can’t see how the cars transform to TransFormers, and the TransFormers all looks as the same. Anyway, it’s a good movie, a magical movie.
Tomorrow I will show some photos here, about the room of Littleken and me, and the road I get cross everyday, if it allowed, I can show some picture about my seat in the company.
With the end of the final-exam of Algorithms, this term is over, say goodbye to manythings, and there is so many things need to do.
I wish there will be a full mark to end this term, which I did the best in our course.
The Lake House, or the Chinese name Chu Bu Dao De Lian Ren(触不到的恋人) of this film, make me to spent 2 hours on it.
I was puzzled why the name is Lake House but Untouchable Lover, then a dictionary told me that Untouchable is not a good word, and now I think Lake House will be more better.
There is a story about a couple of lovers, who apart by the time, absolutely two years. The only way to connect them is the mailbox in front of the lake house, a magic mailbox which can connect two years. But after a period, with something which makes the love uncertain happened, the lovers really separated then. Luckily, there is a good ending of this movie, they meet each other at the mailbox of the lake house.
It sounds like another movie based on the Jimmy’s book Turn Left, Turn Right, anyhow, better later than never.